Department of English for Sciences of Southern Federal University

Learn English & speak the same language with the world


Irina I. Sknarina

Irina I. Sknarina

Senior lecturer, Department of English for Sciences, Southern Federal University

Irina I. Sknarina has been working at the Department of English for Sciences since 1994. Currently she teaches EAP, ESP to students of geology-geography faculty and coordinates the work of ELF teachers at the Faculty of Geology and Geography of Southern Federal University.

Contact information

Tel. – 2975134, 2225701

Email –


1988-1993- Rostov-on-Don State Teachers' Training Institute- Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of English

Professional experience

2007 –present - Southern Federal University, English Language Department for Sciences, senior lecturer

1996 – 2006- Rostov State University, English Language Department for Sciences, senior lecturer

1994-2002 - Rostov State University, English Language Department for Sciences, lecturer

Teaching areas

General English, English for Academic purposes, ESP courses for undergraduate students in sciences, students who get a Specialist Diploma

Areas of research interest

  • English Language Teaching (methodology)
  • Materials development in EFL (for university learners)
  • Innovative computer-based technologies in ELT

Recent publications, courses and programs developed


1)   «Foreign language competence for University students in sciences» co-author- Belyaeva N,A. (2010 г,  Сборник трудов конференции «Лингвистические и методологические проблемы в изучении иностранного языка как второго». Полтавский Институт,  Украина)

2)    «Some issues of quality training of future specialists in Science” co-authors- Belyaeva N,A., Belousova M.M. (2007 г  Сборник статей международной Интернет-конференции «Преподаватель высшей школы в 21 веке», РГУПС

3)   « A foreign language and language competence in training graduates ” co-authors- Belyaeva N,A., Belousova M.M. (2007 г сборнике статей Новочеркасского  Политехнического институте)

Tests and booklets

 “Lexis, grammar and communicative exercises for the «Environment today» text book designed for undergraduate students in sciences to control reading skills” co-authors- Kuznetsova L.V. and Shablykina A.N. published by Southern Federal University,  2006

English Tests for 1-2 year-students of Tourism department, the geology-geography faculty (co-author Belyaeva N.A.) - published by Southern Federal University, 2007

Development of autonomous reading skills and speaking skills in English  for 1-4-year-students, tourism department of the geology-geography faculty “co-author- Nedoseka L.A.  (1 part)- published by Southern Federal University, 2008

E- course book  “World Tourism” for undergraduate students of Tourism department, co-author- Nedoseka L.A – available in the University portal of electronic resources, 2009

Developed courses and programs

EAP for undergraduate students in geology and geography specialties – Syllabus (pdf)

ESP for graduate students in geology and geography specialties– Syllabus (pdf)

Refresher courses and certificates

  • 2011- «New Answers to New Challenges» (8 academic hours) with participation of the authors of British textbooks organized by ONARA
  • 2011 - «The-state-of-the-art in the development of Master programmes: Kingston experience»- training workshop organized by the British Professors
  • 2009 - “Innovative English Language Teaching” , the Summer Institute and International Conference
  • 2008- “Modern English Teaching Methodology and Language Enhancement for teachers of the English language” (63 hours), Excel English School, London, Great Britain
  • 2008 -  “Computer-Assisted Language Teaching“
  • 2006 - 2004 -  Oxford Professional Teacher development Programme (RELOD)