Department of English for Sciences of Southern Federal University

Learn English & speak the same language with the world


Olga Kh. Miroshnikova

Olga Kh. Miroshnikova

Associate professor, Department of English for Sciences, Southern Federal University

Contact information

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1. Rostov-on-Don State Teachers’ Training University, Faculty of Foreign Languages (1999-2004), -  a teacher of English and German languages;

2. Rostov State Economic University "RINH", Law Faculty (1999-2005), - a lawyer;
3. Teachers’ Training Institute of Southern Federal University, the Department of Pedagogy, applicant for a PhD degree (2004-2008).

Professional experience
1.Southern Federal University, The Department of English for Humanities - 2004-2005;
2. Southern Federal University, The Department of English for Sciences – since 2005

Teaching areas

EAP, ESP for undergraduate and graduate students in sciences

Areas of research interest

 theory and methodology of vocational education, PhD

Recent publications, courses and programs developed

  1. Educational-methodical manual " Professional language skills formation for students in physics (Language Portfolio)," 2008, "Everest", 186 p.;
  2. Textbook "The of English communicative competency formation for students of natural sciences", 2008;
  3. Textbook «Professional English for Physicists», 2009;
  4. Guidelines for the development of vocational and language skills for students of physical specialties. Part 1, Rostov-on-Don, SFU, 2009, 45 p.;
  5. Guidelines for the development of vocational and language skills for students of physical specialties. Part 2, Rostov-on-Don, SFU, 2009, 44 p.;
  6. Tests for  lexical and grammatical skills control in English for self-study of students in sciences, 2008;
  7. Tests for reading skills control in English for self-study of 2nd year students in sciences, 2008;
  8. Tests for reading skills control in English for a self-study of students in sciences, 2008.

Refresher courses and certificates

  1. 27.11.2006-12.02.2006 “Information Technology for university teachers and research staff”, 72-hours, Southern Russia regional informatization center of Rostov State University;
  2. March 2007- workshop “Current approaches to teaching English as a Foreign Language” by prof. Dzh.D.Slagosky , Institute of Management, Business and Law;
  3. 17.11.2008-18.12.2008 “Creating e-course books” , 92 hours, Southern Federal University;
  4.  April 21, 2008- seminar “Computer-Assisted language teaching”, by U.S.A. professor;
  5. 21.09.2009-14.10.2009 “Information competency in the professional teaching at higher school”, 72 hours, Southern Federal University.

Scholarships and awards
“Thе Best Research Prize -2008" awarded by Southern Federal University