Department of English for Sciences of Southern Federal University

Learn English & speak the same language with the world


The Department of English for Sciences provides practical classes of EAP and ESP for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in sciences at Southern Federal University. Our mission is to equip students with a wide range of language, academic and other skills that are appropriate to many different careers.

Academic staff  of the Department work at six faculties of SFedU (Centre):

  • Biological Sciences
  • Geology & Geography
  • Mathematics, Mechanics & Computer Science
  • High Technology
  • Physics
  • Chemistry

EAP and ESP courses are based on communicative approach and combine a thorough grounding in the four key language skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. 

 The Department of English for Sciences also provides elective courses of English for 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students in sciences. Students can select from the courses which focus on:

  • Reading and translating research and popular science publications
  • Developing communicative skills for general and professional purposes
  • Preparing and giving presentations in English
  • Developing writing skills for academic purposes
  • Developing reading skills (skimming & scanning)

“EGP and ESP for teaching and administrative staff in the Sciences faculties of Southern Federal University” as a professional development course has been also provided by the Department of English for Sciences.

To facilitate the teaching and learning process we have developed EAP and ESP curricula for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in sciences; new generation course books; tests; self-study materials and computer-based tests; video and audio materials with listening comprehension tasks.